Intuition: What voice to listen to?

Intuition: What voice to listen to?

We often hear, “Just listen to your intuition,” but how do we actually do this? Learning to let your gut guide the way is a powerful tool on your path to the life that belongs to you. The pure and deep contentment and ultimately, the happiness we dream about.

However, truly listening to our intuition in the heat of an emotional moment is not so easy, as there are often many other voices competing for our attention.

So, here are a few tools that will help you stay true to the highest voice within you, even when it gets crowded.

Who Speaks?

Your intuition never communicates like your fear, addictions, feelings of lack, envy, or the need to fit in.

Ask yourself, “Why do I want what I want in this moment? Is it to avoid something, to forget something, to hide, or to get even? And is what I want healthy for me? If you discover that the desire is coming from somewhere other than your intuition, you might want to consider doing the opposite of your initial urge, as this can reveal where you are out of balance.

How does the inner voice sound?

When facing choices, pay attention to this: Intuition feels grounded and calm, while all the other ego/fear-based emotions are accompanied by doubt and confusion.

Signs of Intuition at work:

  • Gut Feeling: A strong, unexplained sensation about something.
  • Synchronicity: Meaningful coincidences and signs in your life.
  • Flow State: Effortless productivity and a sense of being in the zone.
  • Dreams and Insights: Valuable guidance from dreams and random thoughts.
  • Inner Calm: Trusting your intuition brings confidence and serenity.
  • Positive Outcomes: Following intuition often leads to favorable results.
  • Authenticity: You feel more aligned with your true self.

The Key is to to believe what is said

We can train ourselves to listen to the voice within. The truth is, we all have this inner voice just as loudly, but if you can’t tune into it, it’s probably because you have some mental “boom blaster” drowning it out. Turn off all the other noise, and your intuition, or in other words, the voice of truth, will be what remains. The key is to take this voice seriously. Believe in what is communicated and act accordingly.

Questions for Clarity

Use these questions to discern intuition

  • Does this choice align with my values and purpose?
  • Is it based on love and growth or fear and avoidance?
  • Does it bring calm and clarity or anxiety and confusion?

The Result

When you trust your intuition and make choices aligned with your authentic self, you open yourself to support from the universe. Synchronicities and opportunities may appear, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

In one Sentence

The key is to listen and take the inner voice seriously, above all odds, and believe in what it communicates, which will significantly benefit your life and make you a magnetic force for attracting all the things you desire.

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